Thursday is the New Friday
Yeah, that's right! Two days in a row, people. I am seriously on a roll. I actually was able to leave work when it was still light outside so I feel like I have all the free time in the world.
Last night, Stu and I watched 1408 - starring the never-aging John Cusack. It's like he's the new Dick Clark. He looks exactly the same today as he did when he was holding a boom box over his head as it blared Peter Gabriel. What was that movie called again? Anyways, back to the movie. First of all, most of it is shot in one room. Sounds very Castaway, I know. But believe me, this ain't no Gilligan's Island. That movie freaked me out. And not in a scary-ghost kind of way, but in an evil-presence-that-you-can't-really-wrap-your-mind-around kind of way. I was tense the whole time (and Stu watched 90% of the movie with one eye peaking out from behind a sofa pillow, but you didn't hear that from me). We figured out that the main reason this movie is so creepy is that it lacks that "something freaky deaky is about to happen" music that builds momentum and clues you in to the parts where you're supposed to be scared. It's much more effective if you have no idea that it's coming. I like these types of movies much more than the slasher horror ones or the ones that are nothing but evil ghosts getting their spook on, etc. This is much more thought provoking and interesting than sitting back and watching some smart-ass teenager hide from a knife-weilding maniac who turns out to be the local high school janitor, or whatever. I like this one as a thriller because its one where while you're watching it, you're mad that you are putting yourself through it, but when it's done, you're glad you did.
Switching gears to Halloween topics. Can we discuss how women have two options when it comes to Halloween costumes: Ultra-slutty, or potato sacks. There really is no in between. Everything that is remotely cute is up your butt or down your neckline or comes in 2 tiny pieces that resemble dish cloths more than actual garments. Observe the example to the right. She basically needs two haircuts to sport that outfit, if you know what I mean. I think this is the cutest little get-up, but I have to wear my costume to work and something tells me this might be what I like to call a distraction. Now, to the left is one of the work-friendly ones. How boring is that? It's a striped potato sack with matching ugly hat. Not exactly something I'd feel cute or festive in. Why can't they make cute and flattering costumes that don't give off the "I really want to dress like this all year but am afraid people will call me a whore" vibe? Halloween does not = Festival of Hookers!
I'll leave you with this lovely website: Atlanta Ghost Hunters. This link will take you to some recordings taken from houses here in the Atlanta area. You can hear what appears to be voices from people beyond the grave (insert spooky ooooh's and ahhh's here). It's kind of chilling to hear these, but check it out anyways.