Tuesday, September 25, 2007

TV, coke, and other activities...

Wow...it's tv season and I freaking love it! Sooo many shows to talk about. Unfortunately, none are as trashy as Rock of Love. I don't know what I am going to do with myself after next weeks season finale. Will it be the stripper? Or the normal girl (if you consider pink hair normal). May I just say that if he picks the stripper, I hope he understands that he didn't need to go through a reality tv show just to take a stab at bangin' a stripper! I mean come on!

But on to more substantial programming, HEROES made its way back into my weekly routine last night. And might I say.........snoozefest! Where was all the crazy action and special ninja skills I have grown to love? All I saw last night was a spoon being turned to gold and Claire's standard leg break insta-heal action. Bo-ring. I need to see people's heads being sliced open, flying, invisible dudes, etc. I hope next weeks installment brings something more along those lines to the table.

Hooked on Coke
Experts say soda is like a bomb in the average American diet. In other words, its nothing but empty calories and can have 400+ calories per "serving" (XL fast food drinks are 32oz - thats more like a tub o' cola than a serving) So quit coking it up, people! Not only are sodas loaded with non-nutritional cals, but the sugars in them actually promote overeating! And yes I am still talking about the liquid kind....everyone knows the other coke actually keeps you from eating. How do you think I've lost all this weight? JOKES! Anyways, on top of all this, they say that drinking calories doesn't have that much effect on your appetite, so when you drink 400+ calories, you still have no problem eating your burger and fries along with it. YIKES! I think if Mcdonalds revamped things and gave Ronald McDonald cankles and man boobs, kids would think twice about getting the McCola to go along with their 4 piece chicken McTesticles McNuggets. For the full article on cnn.com, click here.

Something I would like to leave you guys with. I like to consider it the best prank phone call of all time. It has some language in it, but it's priceless!!!

"You dont' want me in your house...'cuz I'll tear that thing apart!!"

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