Monday, March 31, 2008

I Now Pronounce You Mrs. & Mr. Asek

Can I get an Amen from the choir? I just finished up my 3 year wedding tour with my last stop, Mrasektownville this past weekend and boy are my arms tired?! That's right... I have constantly been in someone's wedding since December 2005. And just before that was my wedding September of '05. So not counting that brief reprieve from September to December that year, you could technically say I've been schmoozing the wedding circuit since 2004. I don't even want to think about the chump change that's gone into supporting my friends in their romantic endeavors. Let's just round down....

Nikki's wedding was bootylicious. We had a smashingly Spanish topless tapas rehearsal dinner where I managed to have 6+ Sangrias with dinner and just one afterwards. Of course, the one afterwards was what I like to call a "larger portion". It started out innocently enough...I was just joking around. But it's so good when it touches your lips.... I kept going. And then Mike (chief executive officer of the peanut gallery) just had to add the slightest hint of peer pressure. And the next thing you know, there's nothing but ice and I'm reaching for an abandoned 2nd pitcher that was probably consumed by people I've never even spoken to. Before you say "gross" and "eewww" and all those other descriptive mini-judgements, please realize that the beauty of drinking straight out of the pitcher is that you're the only one doing it and everyone else has simply poured themselves a regular portion rather than help themselves to the whole thing. So there is no exchanging of oral fluids - or any fluids other than Sangria and my belly juices. mmmmmmmmmm

After the rehearsal dinner, we went back to the hotel for more boozing because let's be honest here..... What's one more drink after you've had a pitcher and some change?! Jessica proceeded to fall asleep pass out first and she quickly became the victim of giggly chicks who have had too much too drink. I think we took 35 pictures total during her coma photo shoot. Here are the highlights...

We love you Pickles! It's all in good fun :)

After a slight setback with my tranny makeup was self-corrected, things went swimmingly. There were scattered showers throughout the pre-, during-, and post-show activities. But since there really wasn't a large outside influence as far as venue and location, it didn't really matter. The only time it came into play was towards the end of the evening when the getaway car arrived -- The Wramblin' Wreck from Freaking Tech. Yes, minions. Nikki's a traitor and decided to surprise her new Ball'n'Chain with a convertible ride through the streets of A-Town Down. And God was smiling as he released the heavens and allowed them to be peed on from above as they glided down Peachtree to the sounds of the drunken wedding crowd serenading them with the ever-appropriate, "WHATS THAT COMIN' DOWN THE TRACK?!!!" It was a beautiful sight.

I can't wait for her pro pics. I hope to gain access to them shortly so you all can see.

I would like to give a shoutout to my #1 fans - Mike & Alissa. Mainly because I want free Disney tickets at some point. You guys are beautiful. I hope to be your surrogate friend someday.

More pics from the wedding posted below. Enjoy! And I promise to make a consorted effort to post more than once a fiscal quarter from now on. Something about my new best friends down in Florida jumping for joy at their desks when they check my blog really gets me motivated. I'm sooooo popular. On the internet.

Full album posted on facebook! "Tag it!"

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